Ashiatsu Maui Massage Therapist

From a young age, Mason discovered that he had an intuitive connection to the inherent healing power of our bodies and spirit. He would express this ability practicing visual arts, music, dance, athletics, woodworking, gardening and spending time in nature. He always loved to trade massage with family and friends.

He began his education at the University of Kansas where he studied visual arts. He then continued his studies and career as a stonemason, in wildlife conservation and then as a carpenter. Eventually his personal love to give and receive nurturing touch led him to be trained in therapeutic massage, and he transitioned his career to the healing arts. Bodywork came naturally with his ‘hands-on’ skillset, dexterity, strength and ergonomics. Mason was able to offer his creative gifts and attuned intuition through healing touch to his community.

Mason found a beloved niche when he was introduced to Lomi Lomi massage, where he could express his creative intuitive and spiritual presence through the flowing dance-like choreography of Lomi Lomi bodywork. He studied Lomi Lomi, Deep Tissue, Swedish, Trigger Point and Sports massage at Maui School of Therapeutic Massage, and furthered his Lomi Lomi training at Ho’omana Spa Maui with Jeana Iwalani Naluai.

Mason offers a safe, nurturing grounded presence for therapeutic holistic bodywork. He is able to wield together his many hands-on life experiences and powerful listening tools to provide an incredibly effective and healing session. 

Maui massage therapist Mason

Maui Massage Therapist

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