Maui Massage Therapy Services

Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage

Ashiatsu is our specialty massage technique in which your massage therapist delivers deep, broad, consistent pressure while utilizing their feet and body weight. Working with gravity instead of against it, Ashiatsu therapists effectively provide therapeutic massage without causing discomfort to the client. Ashiatsu specifically works wonders for those that love that DEEEEP pressure and never feel like they get enough depth. Surprisingly it’s so easy to receive!

Warm infused oil and Ashiatsu butter is applied to the body making this massage incredibly luxurious and relaxing. Parallel bars are used above the massage table for balance and client safety.

Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage

60 min $110 / 90 min $150

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Deep Tissue Massage

A deep tissue massage therapy session focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue. It is especially helpful for chronic aches, pains and contracted areas such as stiff neck and upper back, low back pain, leg muscle tightness, and sore shoulders. Some of the same strokes are used as classic massage, however the movement is slower and the pressure is deeper. It concentrates on areas of tension and pain in order to reach the sub-layer of muscles and the fascia. Whenever there is chronic muscle tension or injury, there are usually adhesions (bands of painful, rigid tissue) in muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Adhesions generally block circulation and cause pain, limited movement, and inflammation. Muscles must be relaxed in order for the therapist to reach the deeper musculature. 

Deep Tissue Massage

60 min $110 / 90 min $150

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Fusion Hot Stone / Hot Rock Massage

Fusion Hot Stone combines Ashiatsu massage and the long rhythmic strokes of Lomi Lomi with the healing powers of HEAT! Hot Stones penetrate deep and address sore achy muscles and tension. Firstly your therapist “paints the heat” onto your body with their hands, raising the temperature of your skin  before secondly applying the hot stones. Serena has traveled around Maui to carefully collect the healing stones from the Aina (land) and has asked permission through chant and prayer for these stones to be used in a healing way. We connect deeper into nature when we drop into the Earth and all the treasures she holds for us. The stones ultimately restore balance in the body, mind and soul.

Fusion Hot Stone Massage

60 min $125 / 90 min $165

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Lomi Lomi Massage

Lomi Lomi is an ancient Hawaiian healing art passed down from master Kumu (teachers) and Kupuna (elders) that incorporates long flowing strokes and dance-like movements that penetrates deep to the bone. Hawaiians believe that the bones significantly carry the genetic content of who we are at the soul level. Lomi practitioners pour love and aloha into the body, and sing Hawaiian oli (chants) to call upon the ancestors to support the healing transmission occurring. Furthermore, it is said that the Lomi practitioner is the bridge between the spirit above and the being on the table. Lomi is beyond massage, Lomi is a way of life, to be “pono” (in right relations) with yourself and those around you.
Lomi Lomi Massage

60 min $110 / 90 min $150

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Prenatal Massage / Pregnancy Massage

We love to pamper Mamas with compassionate prenatal and post natal massage therapy. Please let us know that you are pregnant and what trimester you are in when booking. Maui pregnancy massage treatments effectively reduce anxiety, decrease depression, relieves muscle aches, joint pains, and improves labor outcome and newborn health. Edema, or swelling of the joints, is particularly caused by reduced circulation and increased pressure on the major blood vessels by the heavy uterus. Massage stimulates soft tissue to reduce the collection of fluids in swollen joints. Hormone levels associated with relaxation and stress are significantly altered when massage is introduced to women’s prenatal care. This leads to mood regulation and improved cardiovascular health. What can you expect during a pregnancy massage? We utilize unique support cushions that help pregnant women lay in a “side lying” position, which is the most comfortable for you and baby. As with any massage treatment, please communicate your preferences with your therapist to ensure you receive the perfect passage during pregnancy.
Prenatal Massage

60 min $110 / 90 min $150

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Signature 2 Hour Maui Massage

Looking for an amazing two hour massage on Maui? Experience the best of what your therapist has to offer! Without a doubt, your therapist offers their wisdom of their lifetime of training. Some of the modalities you may experience will be Ashiatsu, Swedish, Craniosacral, Deep Tissue, Kua Lua, Lomi Lomi, Lymphatic Drainage, Myofascial, Structural, Thai and Trigger Point. This custom massage designed especially for you gives your therapist ample time to fully address all your needs in a luxurious 2 hour session. Simply share with your therapist your goals for the session and ask them about their specialized offerings to create a deeply healing experience. 

Signature 2 hour Massage

120 min $190

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Couples Massage Therapy Sessions

Treat you and your loved one to an ultimate experience of nurturing, healing and love, together! We have a large room for you both to receive side by side massage in a relaxing environment. Please share your desires and goals for the session and they will simultaneously create the perfect session with both your needs in mind. PLEASE CALL TO SCHEDULE a Couples massage so we have time to call in a second therapist for you.
Couples Massage

60 min $220 / 90 min $300 / 120 min $380

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Structural Integration Series

Structural Integration is an 11 session series that works by way of the fascial (connective tissue) network, to release chronic, stored structural aberrations, and effectively realign the entire body. The intention is to shift imbalances that were created by physical pain as well as emotional pain or stored trauma. Many of us might not realize how emotional trauma from our earlier years might still be affecting us. There must be a “letting go” of what no longer serves us, as well as an invitation for something new. Many of us attach to what is known and familiar, however painful or unsatisfactory this may be. In addition to attachment come fears and anxieties of the unknown as well as resistance to change. Undeniably when we open up and create space for change, a new sense of self-love and happiness emerges. The 11 sessions are ideally once a week. Please call to inquire further, payment plans available. 
Structural Integration series

90 min $170 per each session

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Maui Mobile Massage Services

Yes we also offer mobile massage therapy so you can enjoy a massage in the comfort and privacy of your home or vacation rental. Advance reservations required for Maui mobile massage appointments. Please call 808-344-1006 to inquire.

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