Ashiatsu Maui Massage Therapist + Owner

Serena Scaglione has dedicated her life to a world of teaching and healing, inspiring women and men to awaken into their bodies, move from their souls and shine from their hearts! Her passionate nature has led her down many different rivers of creativity, investing her heart in animation/graphic design, circus arts, performance, yoga, massage and healing arts. Her massage certifications include Ashiatsu “Barefoot” Massage, Advanced Skeletal and Core Lomi Lomi, Craniosacral, Cupping, Deep Tissue, Fusion Hot Stone, Kua Lua Back Walking, Prenatal, Somassage, Structural Integration, Thai and Trigger Point. She is also a twice-certified Hoop Dance Instructor, certified Danyasa Yoga Instructor (a fusion of Vinyasa Yoga and Expressive Dance), certified AcroYoga and Aerial Yoga Instructor.

Serena is also a Certified Ashiatsu DeepFeet Instructor, and will be teaching Ashiatsu “Barefoot” Massage trainings for LMT’s every couple of months on Maui. Please visit her Courses Page to see when her next training is!

Serena is a compassionate and loving therapist that invests her time and energy into the well-being of herself and others. She fully understands the need to slow down and create time for self-care, love and nourishment. She offers a deep sense of presence and can blend her wisdom of many modalities to create a very special session designed with your needs in mind. She is extremely knowledgeable about the body, from both an anatomy as well as an emotional standpoint. Working with old traumas can be the key to unlock chronic tension and tightness in the body. Her intention is to offer healing touch, inspire self-reliance and a greater sense of trust within our own bodies.

Serena Scaglione massage therapist

Maui Massage Therapist

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